cs.code.in - Day 0

The Hacking School

cs.code.in - Day  0

And, the journey begins...

Today, I (along with my peers) got oriented. We were provided with a direction, a path to follow, and lots of hope for the future.

A few points from the session:

  1. Find the right problem. Pick something big and difficult that's worth your time and energy.

  2. Always focus on things that you can control.

  3. It takes ~ 45 days to build a habit, and 90 for it to become a second nature.

  4. There's no substitute for "practice," not yet.

  5. First, get something to work. Striving for perfection is fugazi.

  6. Help others, whenever possible.

  7. Motivation is a hoax, it's a short-term-feel-good drug. Discipline is what gets the job done.

  8. Don't rush it. Trust the process.

  9. Be hopeful at the bottom and humble at the top.

  10. Your network decides your net worth.

Quote of the day:

The more you code, the more you code.